
Where Have All the Republicans Gone?

I used to like Republicans. Okay, let me rephrase that. There was a certain kind of Republican I admired. Hell, I even wanted to be one of them. Part of me wished I had a father who wore green golf pants and knew how to mix a perfect martini. I longed for a tumbledown beach house in Maine, one that our family had been going to for years, right down the dirt road from Binky and Skitter Britteridge. (Pop went to Yale with Skitter, and Mom and Binky were at Bryn Mawr together, way back when.) You know what I'm talking about, Republicans in the tradition of Nelson Rockefeller -- let's ignore the Rockefeller drug laws for the moment. Tall, patrician white people who considered themselves social liberals and fiscal conservatives. Remember them? Proud heirs to Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Fiorella La Guardia. What the hell happened to those folks? Christine Todd Whitman's got a manifesto coming out about the death of the moderate wing of the party, and at the same time, that wing nut, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings, has her knickers in a twist about Buster Baxter. What's ol' Buster's crime? He's hanging with the homos.

Wait. Roll that back a minute. He's visiting American families. Mormons. Hmong. Families in trailer parks. And the children of a lesbian couple in Vermont.

Well that just won't do. Our fearless leader responds by holding a press conference quoted on the front page of the New York Times. He cites studies describing children who grow up in heterosexual families as better off. Except that's not true. The studies don't, in fact, show that. The studies show no difference. Not to mention my non-empirical data. Which shows no difference, either. In fact, the children of my gay friends are all way smarter and less neurotic than my own children. My friends Alison and Judy’s daughter Talia was cheerfully talking in complete sentences and planting kisses on her older brother’s cheeks while Rosie was still staring blankly at the ceiling and smacking her brother on the head with a mega block. So go smoke that, Ms. Spellings.


Blogger Edgy Mama said...

I'm not sure if you get Air America in Berkeley yet (though I can't imagine a more appropriate place for it). Both Stephanie Miller and Al Franken had some choice words for Ms. Spellings this week (are we sure she isn't a Dickens' character?). Thank God for Air America. It's the only way I get through driving the kids around all week.

January 29, 2005 at 12:17 PM  
Blogger Reb Yudel said...

"Bad Mother" indeed.

Has a president *ever* -- I don't mean in our lifetimes, I mean in the 19th century -- denigrated American citizens the way W is doing? Telling children that their parents are not fit for television?

This is no longer a party, in the American sense, but a Party, in the European sense. There was a scene in one of the articles about Social Security two weeks ago in the New York Times Magazine describing the weekly meeting at which politicans, activists, lobbyists, pundits and journalist gather. There's a Party line, and otherwise smart people (cf. David Brooks) will undertake the requisite mental gymnastics to follow it, just as did the Party members writing for the various Party journals and newspapers (English and Yiddish) did following the Hitler-Stalin pact.

As Hitler and Stalin and George Orwell understood very well, Hate works. Hate sells. The president of this country has been elected on hatred, and his followers revel in their hatred, and they hate you and me and our children.

January 29, 2005 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger Scone said...

Even after the previous post, I still believe that the people who actually *hate* others based on some semi-superficial demographic status (single/married, Jewish/Mormon, gay/straight, black/white/etc) are in the minority in this country-- certainly more of a minority than, say, 50 years ago. I also suspect that those who really believe all this hatred (of themselves) exists are also in the minority, although they tend (cf. Ms. Spellings) to get a lot more press than the people who just live their lives and let others live, too.

That said, I agree about the US political parties being severely out of whack-- who ever heard of Republicans outspending Democrats? Um, aside from Reagan... Europeans laugh at us. "You don't have two parties, you have one party with two names. Get serious." And yet we manage to imagine this great divide between us. Well, them. As an independent, I get to dislike both parties equally. ;-)

January 29, 2005 at 11:19 PM  
Blogger MB said...

My dad was one of those old-style white Protestant Republicans, but he died in 1998. However, he was corrupted long ago through marriage to a Catholic, American-Indian Democrat, and never voted Republican after Nixon. When I was field director for Clinton in Connecticut in '92, on election day my dad flew to Kentucky for business with a "Republicans for Clinton/Gore" button on his lapel.

On to Buster: Maine Public Television hasn't yet determined whether they will air the program, but they seem to be leaning towards yes. I'm sure they can be swayed somewhat by lots and lots of email. I think NH PTV is airing it, and WGBH in Boston, the producer of the show, is definitely airing it.

BTW, Maine may be the first state to voluntarily, i.e., w/o judicial prodding, enact a civil-unions law, possibly as early as this session. That would be a good thing indeed, though I would prefer full marriage rights for all.

January 30, 2005 at 7:55 AM  
Blogger Psycho Kitty said...

I can barely form words, I'm so blessed ticked off about this. Grrr.

January 30, 2005 at 6:11 PM  
Blogger Tom M Franklin said...

While on the political bent, I would also recommend Thomas Frank's book "What's Wrong with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America" It's an amazing look at how Republicans co-oped the historically radical midwest and turned it into Red State Central.


January 31, 2005 at 10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me so sad that people cannot seem to have a friendly political debate anymore. I really don't consider myself republican but that is how I vote more often than not. I hate to open that up and tell anyone because I get such crap. Also, I am the world's worst debator because I feel like puking if I am confronted and then my mind goes blank and I cannot think of any reason why I believe the things I beleive anyway. But, I don't want to be disliked because of my politcal views, there are plenty of other things to be disliked about. I just wish this last election hadn't torn this country apart so much. I didn't even vote because the lines were so long and while my vote in my state, republican or democrat wouldn't have mattered because it is always a red state, I really wanted to vote on the issue of adding a high school to our town, which is the only thing I felt really storngly about. Since that passed I can't even bitch about that because i didn't vote! Now my sons have to deal with a split town and won't have the same high school experience I had that I loved. That is what truly bums me out!

February 16, 2005 at 9:31 PM  
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